Thursday 18 June 2020

Available - Worldwide Vitamin Tonics Market Report 2016-2026

Future Market Insights has announced the addition of the “Vitamin Tonics Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2016-2026" report to their offering.

Vitamintonics help in strengthening and invigorating the body tone of anindividual. These tonics are used to prevent and treat several deficiencyconditions such as rickets, osteomalacia, angular stomatitis, and anemia. Thetonics are available in several formulations such as syrupy semisolids,liquids, capsules, tablets and pills, and multivitamin injections. However, theliquid tonics are more popular due to higher patient compliance and acceptanceamongst the children. The physicians prescribe these products in vitamindeficiency anemia such as folate deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia andvitamin C deficiency anemia. Another significant reason for increasing demandof these products is hectic lifestyle of people across the globe. People tendto compensate their poor dietary habits and lack of exercise by having regularintake of vitamin tonics. Therefore, the global market for the vitamin tonicsis witnessing an increasing consumption of these products worldwide. The majorvitamins formulated into vitamin tonics include vitamin B, vitamin C, vitaminD, multivitamin formulations, probiotics and ginseng. There is an increasingdemand for multivitamins instead of purchasing single vitamin products. Thishas lead vitamin B complex tonic to be the most popular and widely distributedproduct in the market which contains combination of several vitamins such as B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B7 (biotin),B9 (folic Acid), and B12 (cobalamin). Vitamin D tonics are also in demand asphysicians recommend these products in arthritis and other bone disorders.

Vitamin Tonics Market: Driversand Restraints

Globally people are more aware about their health and brands arecapitalizing on this factor. Increased awareness about wellness and fitness hasincreased the consumer base for the overall vitamin tonics market. Thisproducts are generally available without any prescription which makes themeasily accessible to general public who are willing to consume it as healthsupplement without any medical condition. Increase in global geriatricpopulation is also fueling global market for vitamin tonics market.

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Vitamin Tonics Market:Segmentation

Vitamin tonics market is classified on the basis of indication,distribution channel and geography.

Based on the product type, theglobal vitamin tonics market issegmented into the following:

Multivitamin injections
Based on the distribution channel, the global vitamin tonics market issegmented into the following:

Hospitals Clinics
Public Hospitals
Private Clinics
Retail Pharmacies and Drug Stores
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Vitamin Tonics Market: Overview

Globally, the vitamin tonics market is realizing an astonishing risedue to increasing tendency of people towards spending for preventive measuresrather than treating the sickness later. Therefore, increasing awareness abouthealth and wellness among the general public, highly affordable productspromises a better and prosperous outlook in the market. The market leadingcompanies are spending heavily in educating people about the benefits ofvitamin tonics which is expected to have positive impact on growth of themarket. The increasing regulations on the tonics under the Dietary SupplementHealth and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 and New Dietary Ingredient (NDI)guidelines have restricted the entry of smaller companies into the market.Furthermore, the rising interest of pharmaceutical companies in thenutraceuticals segment will make the existing vitamin tonics market morecompetitive and standardized in terms of quality assurance. For instance,Procter & Gamble (P&G) recently purchased Brattleboro Vermont based NewChapter, Inc., added a FMCG giant into vitamin tonics market making thecompetition fiercer than ever.

Vitamin Tonics Market:Region-wise Outlook

On the basis of geography, the global vitamin tonics market issegmented into seven regions as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan, andMEA. The U.S. market for the vitamin tonics is growing albeit with slowedgrowth due to consumer questions about the actual benefits of the products andseveral studies indicating that a large number of companies are simply sellingplacebos with minute quantities of actual vitamins. Therefore, dominance ofNorth America into global vitamins market is being challenged by developingregions such as Asia, Latin America and Africa. The market in emerginggeographies is growing at a rapid pace owing to rising middle class incountries such as China and India.

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Vitamin Tonics Market: KeyPlayers

Some of the players in the global vitamin tonicsmarket include Amway, Abbott Laboratories, Albert David Ltd., Vitabiotics Ltd.,Seven Seas(a company of Merck KGaA), Sapiens Pharmaceuticals Ltd., VitanePharmaceuticals, Inc., Tonic Vitamins, New GPC, Inc., Raptakos Brett & Co.Ltd., Fitzory International Ltd., Lloyds Pharmacy, Cerebos Ltd, ScotchIndustrial Thailand Co. Ltd. among others.
